Home Page of Yu HIRATE

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Int. Conference

  • Yu Hirate, Akira Aiyoshizawa, Shorei O, Yuichi Ioku, Kido Fuyuko, and Hayato Yamana, "System for Extracting Auction Fraud Communities in Internet Auction", Proc. of ICISTM 2008, Mar. 2008.

  • Yasuaki Yoshida, Takanori Ueda, Takashi Tashiro, Yu Hirate, Hayato Yamana:"What's going on in search engine rankings?", Proc. of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Mining And Web, 2008.

  • Takanori Ueda, Yu Hirate and Hayato Yamana, "EReM-DiCE: Exploiting Remote Memory for Disk Cache Extension", Proc. of 1st International Workshop on Storage and I/O Virtualization, Performance, Energy, Evaluation and Dependability (SPEED2008), 2008.

  • T. Tashiro, T. Ueda, T. Hori, Y. Hirate, H. Yamana, "EPCI: Extracting Potentially Copyright Infringement Texts from the Web," In Proc. of 16th Int. World Wide Web Conf., pp.1151-1152, 2007.

  • Yu HIRATE, Shin Kato and Hayato Yamana, "Web Structure in 2005," 4th Workshup on Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph(WAW2006), Nov., 2006.PPT   Schedule and abstracts (handout)

  • Yu HIRATE and Hayato Yamana, "Sequential Pattern Mining with Time Intervals," Proc. of PAKDD2006, Apr., 2006.

  • Issei SATO, Yu HIRATE and Hayato YAMANA, "Text Mining using PrefixSpan constrainted by Item Interval and Item Attribute," Proc. of IEEE ICDE'06 Workshop on SWOD2006, Apri., 2006.

  • Yu HIRATE, Eigo IWAHASHI and Hayato YAMANA, "TF^2P-growth: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Patterns without any Threshold", Proc. of IEEE ICDM'04 Workshop on Alternative Techniques for Data Mining and Knowledge Discoverey, Nov., 2004.

  • Yu HIRATE, Eigo IWAHASHI and Hayato YAMANA, "Pipelined Top-k FP-growth: Mining Top-k Frequent Patterns Focusing on User Reaction Time", CORS/Informs Joint International Meeting, May, 2004.



  • Yu HIRATE, Akira Aiyoshizawa, Shorei O, Yuichi Ioku, Kido Fuyuko, and Hayato Yamana, "Support System for Detecting Abuse Users in Internet Auction," IPSJ Tech. Report(DBWS2006) (2006.7).

  • Takashi Tashiro, Takanori Ueda, Taisuke Hori, Yu Hirate, and Hayato Yamana, "Copyright Violation Detection System for Web Texts," IPSJ Tech. Report(DBWS2006) (2006.7).

  • Yu HIRATE and Hayato YAMANA, "On generalizing of Sequential Pattern Mining with Time Intervals," Proc. of the 17th IEICE Data Engineering Workshop(DEWS2006) (2006.3).

  • Issei SATO, Yu HIRATE and Hayato YAMANA, "Sentiment Mining using PrefixSpan adopted Item Interval and Item Attribute ," Proc. of the 17th IEICE Data Engineering Workshop(DEWS2006) (2006.3).

  • Yu HIRATE, Shunsuke KOMATSU and Hayato YAMANA, "Sequential Pattern Mining based on Event Intervals," IPSJ Tech. Report(DBWS2005) (2005.7).

  • Yu HIRATE, Eigo IWAHASHI and Hayato YAMANA, "Hidden Itemset Mining Method based on the Clustering of Itemset Time Series," Proc. of the 16th IEICE Data Engineering Workshop(DEWS2005) (2005.3).

  • Eigo IWAHASHI, Yu HIRATE and Hayato YAMANA, "Parallel Closed Frequent Pattern Mining on PC Cluster," Proc. of the 16th IEICE Data Engineering Workshop(DEWS2005) (2005.3).

  • Shin KATO, Yu HIRATE, Eigo IWAHASHI and Hayato YAMANA, "Reducing the Data Transfer Overhead for Frequent Pattern Mining on the Grid," Proc. of Symposium on Advanced Computing Systems and Infrastructures 2004,pp.165-166 (2004.5).

  • Yu HIRATE, Eigo IWAHASHI and Hayato YAMANA, "An Algorithm for Mining Top-k Frequent Patterns Shorting User Response Time," Proc. of the 15th IEICE Data Engineering Workshop(DEWS2004) (2004.3)

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